Racket Brainfuck interpreter

Posted on 04 February 2018
functional programming brainfuck

Brainfuck language consists of eight commands, listed in this article. It makes interpretation of the programs written in Brainfuck interesting and not very difficult task that will be useful for improving skills in any programming language.


Brainfuck is one of the most known esoteric programming languages. It's syntax has only eight commands similar to Turing machine's ones:

A program on Brainfuck is a sequence of these commands. 'Hello world' example written on Brainfuck listed below.

// prints "Hello World" 


I am really love functional programming languages in general and Lisp (and it's dialects such as OCaml, Scheme and Racket) in particular. So, my first Brainfuck interpreter will be written on Racket.

Brainfuck interpreter

The first thing that is really important and needed to be described is how we can represent Brainfuck's (BF) memory.

I suggest to represent it as a dictionary with keys - memory addresses and values - data at the address. So, memory 0 0 25 0 52 … will be stored as ((2 . 25) (4 . 52)).

Also we have to store the data pointer. Data pointer is just a number that represent current position in memory that will be processed. So, the memory can be stored as a (<data pointer> . (<memory dict>)).

Let's define several simple util functions:

(define (mem-create mem-state cur-pointer) (list cur-pointer mem-state))
(define (mem-create-empty) (mem-create '() 0))
(define (mem-pointer mem) (car mem))
(define (mem-state mem) (cadr mem))
(define (mem-get mem) (dict-ref (mem-state mem) (mem-pointer mem) 0))

Now we can define the first BF's operations for > and < commands:

(define (mem-pointer-op mem op) (mem-create (mem-state mem) (op (mem-pointer mem))))
(define (mem-pointer-inc mem) (mem-pointer-op mem inc-mem-pointer))
(define (mem-pointer-dec mem) (mem-pointer-op mem dec-mem-pointer))

Functions inc-mem-pointer and dec-mem-pointer implement increment and decrement operations in multiplicative group of integers modulo 65536 (memory size for our program = 256 bytes).

The functions for inc/decrement memory data (+ and '-') are very simple too:

(define (mem-value-op mem op)
  (let* ([_mem-state (mem-state mem)]
         [_mem-pointer (mem-pointer mem)]
         [cur (dict-ref _mem-state _mem-pointer 0)])
    (mem-create (dict-set _mem-state _mem-pointer (op cur)) _mem-pointer)))
(define (mem-value-inc mem) (mem-value-op mem inc-mem-value))
(define (mem-value-dec mem) (mem-value-op mem dec-mem-value))

Functions inc-mem-value and dec-mem-value implement increment and decrement operations in multiplicative group of integers modulo 256 (memory cell in our program can contain only 8-bits values).

But I/O functions (. and ,) are realy difficult. Actually, no:

(define (mem-output mem) (integer->char (mem-get mem)))
(define (mem-input mem input)
  (let ([cur-pointer (mem-pointer mem)])
     (dict-set (mem-state mem) cur-pointer (char->integer input))

Almost all command are implemented now. The only [ and ] left. These commands are used for jumps over another program commands. Only two jumps are possible: from [ to the matching ] and from ] to the matching [. We can predefine jump table that will be contain possible jumps for the given program.

(define (jump-table-create input)
  (define (iter i s stack res)
    (if (empty? s) res
        (let ([car-s (car s)]
              [cdr-s (cdr s)]
              [inc-i (inc i)])
            [(eq? car-s #\[)
             (iter inc-i cdr-s (stack-push stack i) res)]
            [(eq? car-s #\]) 
             (let ([_stack-peek (stack-peek stack)])
               (iter inc-i cdr-s (stack-pop stack) (dict-set (dict-set res _stack-peek i) i _stack-peek)))]
             (iter inc-i cdr-s stack res)]))))
  (iter 0 (string->list input) '() '()))

So, now we have implemented all of the BF's commands and generator for the jump table. We can the given BF program string:

(define (bf-process-str str)
  (define (list-tail s k) (string->list (substring s k (string-length s))))
  (define (bf-tick mem j-table i input)
      [(eq? input #\>) (list '() (mem-pointer-inc mem))]
      [(eq? input #\<) (list '() (mem-pointer-dec mem))]
      [(eq? input #\+) (list '() (mem-value-inc mem))]
      [(eq? input #\-) (list '() (mem-value-dec mem))]
      [(eq? input #\.) (list (mem-output mem) mem)]
      [(eq? input #\,) (list '() (mem-input mem))]
      [else (list '() mem)]))
  (let ([j-table (jump-table-create str)])
    (define (iter i s mem res)
      (if (empty? s) res
          (let ([car-s (car s)]
                [cdr-s (cdr s)]
                [inc-i (inc i)])
            (define (process-lb-or-rb cond)
              (let ([new-i (inc (dict-ref j-table i 0))])
                (if cond
                    (iter new-i (list-tail str new-i) mem res)
                    (iter inc-i cdr-s mem res))))
              [(eq? car-s #\[) (process-lb-or-rb (eq? (mem-get mem) 0))]
              [(eq? car-s #\]) (process-lb-or-rb (not (eq? (mem-get mem) 0)))]
               (let* ([tick-res (bf-tick mem j-table i (car s))]
                      [new-mem (cadr tick-res)]
                      [output (car tick-res)])
                 (iter inc-i cdr-s new-mem (if (char? output) (append res (list output)) res)))]))))
    (list->string (iter 0 (string->list str) (mem-create-empty) '()))))

Now we can try to run this interpreter:

> (bf-process-str "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.")
"Hello World\n"

There are a couple of functions that can be refactored but I am so lazy for it.

GitHub repository.